Fitness & Yoga Retreat & Happy Long Weekend to you! 🌼

Thank you to everyone who came out for our pop up yoga class in March! I will be running another one soon!
And I will be sharing our spring and summer retreats next week!

The next event is the Fitness & Yoga Spring Retreat on Sunday April 16 with Amy & I! We would love to see you! Please see the details below.

And Happy Easter long weekend to you!
Janelle xo

Fitness & Yoga Day Retreat with Amy & Janelle
If you’re looking for some variety, connection and lots of fun, join us for this day of fitness, yoga and a nourishing lunch!

Join us for the whole day or for the classes that work for you.
Sunday April 16
Location: Lakedell Hall

Classes are:
9:15-10:15am: Strength & Toning Fitness Class
10:30-11:30am: Yoga for Strength
11:45am-1pm: Lunch & Relax
1-2:15pm: Massage Therapy Balls & Yin Yoga for Stiff & Sore Muscles
2:30-3pm: Sleep Yoga

We are over half full! Please email me back to let me know if you are joining us for the whole day or which classes you would like to attend. You can also pay via e transfer to this email to avoid eventbrite fees or pay cash on the day.

For more info click here.

Online Offerings
Wellness Online Studio (recorded classes)
Monthly: $27/month ($25.71 + GST)
Yearly: $240/year ($228.57 +GST)

Enjoy taking a class when it works for you, when you are travelling or in the comfort of your own home!
You have access to:
- 160+ classes
- free series and monthly challenges
- a new class each week
- 1 free zoom class each month
Click here to access your free 7 day trial and please let me know what free zoom class you would like to join!

Group Zoom Classes
This a great way to connect with one another, stay consistent with your exercise regime and have some fun! Music, visiting and a great workout all rolled into each class!
Wednesdays @ 9am Fitness & Yoga Class
Fridays @ 9am Yoga for Strength